Mom's Meals


Nathan Jensen, Senior VP, Sales and Business Development
Phone: 515-963-7011

Category: Home-Delivered Meals

Program Description: Mom’s Meals is a leading provider of nutritious ready-to-heat-and-eat meals, including specific health condition options. With a mission to improve life through better nutrition at home, we work with long-term, chronic and post-discharge care programs as well as self pay individuals.

AAA Champion:
"Mom’s Meals has worked hard to be successful in providing meals as ordered by our Case Management staff. Mom’s Meals has their own accounting staff that works with LTADD Administrative staff to ensure funds are spent during the fiscal year and that billing is accurate. Mom’s Meals is willing to work with LTADD to ensure our clients have the best care possible. LTADD has found the senior staff at Mom’s Meals to be accessible, committed and willing to work on issues."

—Sue Greenwell, Associate Director, Area Agency on Aging & Independent Living Lincoln Trail Area Development District, Elizabethtown, KY

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