National Survey of Title VI Programs 2020 Report and Toolkit
With a grant from the U.S. Administration on Aging within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), USAging partnered with Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University of Ohio to conduct the 2020 Title VI Native American Aging Program Survey, which was the fourth comprehensive survey of Title VI programs. The first three were conducted in 2009, 2014 and 2017. The National Title VI Program Survey, conducted approximately every three years, explores trends, new directions and evolving needs of Title VI programs across the country.
The National Survey of Title VI Programs 2020 Report and Toolkit describes the findings of the survey. The survey gathered information on staffing, budget and services, as well as the evolving needs of Title VI programs. Fielded during the COVID-19 pandemic, the survey also gathered data on the impact of the pandemic on Title VI grantees and the elders that they serve.
In addition to the report, the National Survey Report Toolkit includes the following resources:
- Fast Facts: Title VI Native American Aging Programs: Services and Partnerships
- Fast Facts: The Impact of COVID-19 on Title VI Native American Aging Programs and Services
- Data Brief: Home Modification and Repair Services and Needs in Indian Country
- Key Findings PowerPoint (customizable for your agency!)
- Sample Newsletter Articles and Social Media Posts on the Survey Findings
- Webinar Recording
- Regional Reports:
- Title VI Programs in Alaska
- Title VI Programs in Regions I-IV (Eastern Regions)
- Title VI Programs in Region V (North Central Region)
- Title VI Programs in Region VI (South Central Region)
- Title VI Programs in Regions VII & VIII (Plains and Mountains Regions)
- Title VI Programs in Region IX (Southwest Region)
- Title VI Programs in Region X (Northwest Region)