n4a Sends Transition Memo to President-Elect Trump Transition Team

On November 28, n4a sent a memo to the President-Elect Trump’s transition team to capture, at a high level, critical aging issues that the new Administration should prioritize. The memo was developed in collaboration with the n4a Executive and Public Policy & Grassroots Committees, and represents the beginning of our conversation with the new Administration. As an introductory statement, it is not intended to represent the full range of our policy positions, nor address Congressional issues (which will be detailed in our 2017 Policy Priorities released early next year).
Highlights of n4a’s Transition Memo
n4a’s transition document outlines the demographic realities of an aging nation and the need to prioritize policy solutions to ensure that older Americans and their caregivers have the services and supports they need to age with dignity, independence and health in their homes and communities. The letter also details the long-standing, successful history of AAAs and Title VI aging programs to effectively and cost-efficiently provide critical supports to older adults, caregivers and people with disabilities. The memo also emphasizes the important economic benefits of supporting people as they age in their homes and communities including preventing unnecessary health care cost and impoverishment; creating a strong workforce to care for an aging nation; and preventing billions in personal assets lost through elder abuse and financial exploitation. 
n4a asks the incoming Trump Administration to take immediate steps to establish strong leadership at the White House and within the Administration on Aging and Administration for Community Living, as well as to boost funding in Older Americans Act and other aging programs in the Trump Administration’s first budget request to Congress.
Furthermore, n4a provides a high-level overview of several key policy areas that we encourage an incoming Trump Administration to focus on including expanding opportunities to support AAAs and other CBOs in health care reform initiatives; enhancing federal opportunities to provide home and community-based services for older veterans; improving supports and services for caregivers; and investing in infrastructure to make communities livable for people of all ages.
Next Steps for n4a Transition Plans
In the coming weeks, n4a will continue outreach to President-Elect Trump’s transition team to educate and advocate for n4a’s transition priorities. Additionally, the n4a Board of Directors will be in Washington, DC early next month to meet with Members of Congress on Capitol Hill. Early in 2017, n4a will be on the Hill as a new Congress takes office educating members about the importance of the Aging Network and the need to protect critical health and home and community-based services and supports for older adults. Next year is sure to bring many changes, challenges and possible opportunities, and we will make sure that n4a members have the information and resources you need to be effective advocates for the older adults and caregivers that you serve.

Full link to memo: https://www.n4a.org/Files/n4a%20Memo%20to%20President-Elect%20Trump%20Transition%20Team%2011.28.16.pdf
For more information on this issue, contact Autumn Campbell (acampbell@n4a.org).

USAging Fact: Learn about your peers’ work—and how it can fit into your agency’s goals! The AIA Awards recognizes successful and innovative programs that USAging members have developed to serve older adults. Get inspiration from our 2024 winners!