National AAA Survey
This initiative is implemented by USAging with funding from the U.S. Administration for Community Living and in partnership with Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University in Oxford, OH.
The Chartbook and resources below can help you tell the story of your AAA—and how AAAs across the country support the health and well-being of older adults.
Survey Chartbook
The comprehensive Chartbook describes the findings of the latest National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging. You’ll find data on AAA services and partnerships to address complex needs such as housing and social engagement and how AAAs are advancing health equity in their communities. The Chartbook is packed with data on other service trends as well, plus details on AAA workforce, funding, partnerships and more.
More Older Adults, More Complex Needs: Trends and New Directions from the National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging
Data Briefs
- Fast Facts: AAA Provider Partners: Senior Centers (2024)
- Fast Facts: AAA Social Engagement Programs and Partnerships (2023)
- Fast Facts: AAA Housing and Homelessness Programs and Partnerships (2023)
Share the Findings
- Key Findings PowerPoint (2023)
- Sample newsletter articles and social media posts on the survey findings (2023)
State Data Reports
The State Data Reports showcase state-level data alongside national figures for states that achieved 75 percent response rate or higher.
In addition to the state reports above, USAging will provide interested AAAs and state AAA associations with an Excel spreadsheet containing aggregated data from their state data report, including response options that were left out due to space constraints. Requestors must complete a request form and agree to adhere to the data guidelines.
State Data Summaries
The State Data Summaries provide a synopsis of state-level data for AAAs in states where the response rate was strong but not high enough to be representative of AAAs across the state.
Alabama | Florida | Hawaii |
Indiana | Kentucky | New Jersey |
Texas |
Webinars and Presentations
- Trends and Adaptations for AAAs: National Survey Results and Resources (August 2023 webinar)
- What’s Unique in the Southeast? Trends from USAging’s National AAA Survey (Presentation delivered at SE4A conference in August 2023)
Past National AAA Survey Reports
- National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging 2020 Report (2020)
- National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging 2017 Report (2017)
- Trends and New Directions: Area Agencies on Aging Survey (2014)
- Advancing Health and Long-Term Services and Supports (2011)
- Advancing Access for Home and Community-Based Services (2009)