National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging 2020 Report and Toolkit
With a grant from the U.S. Administration on Aging within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), USAging worked with Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University of Ohio to conduct an online survey to gather information about AAAs. The National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging, conducted every two to three years since 2007, tracks important new trends in programs, services and funding affecting older adults in communities across the United States.
The National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging 2020 Report and Toolkit describes the findings of the survey. This data is essential for analyzing policy issues, benchmarking services, supporting requests for funding, preparing local issue briefs, speaking with funders or legislators and more. The toolkit elements help AAAs tell the story of their work to older adults, caregivers, funders, policymakers and other stakeholders in your state.
- National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging 2020 Report: Meeting the Needs of Today's Older Adults (PDF)
In addition to the report, the National Survey Report Toolkit includes the following resources:
- “Fast Facts” Fact Sheet (2022)
- “Fast Facts” Fact Sheet (2020)
- Data Brief: Building Community Capacity to Serve Older Adults: The Role of Area Agencies on Aging in Home Modifications and Repairs (2020)
- Data Brief: Meeting the Needs of Older Adults Living in Rural Communities: The Roles of Area Agencies on Aging (2021)
- Key Findings PowerPoint (customizable for your agency!)
- Sample newsletter articles and social media posts on the survey findings
- State Reports (for states that met the required response rate):