Next Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator and AAA Partnerships
- By: USAging
- On: 11/01/2024 10:13:11
- In: Program Update
State Medicaid agencies, in partnership with other state and community organizations, may apply for the second cohort of the Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator (HSPA). This year-long opportunity is open to states with a CMS approved section 1115 demonstration or section 1915(i) state plan amendment covering housing-related supports and services for individuals experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness. HSPA technical assistance aims to strengthen state Medicaid agency collaboration with state and local agencies and community-based organizations providing affordable and accessible housing, aging and disability resources and programs.
Along with representatives from the state's Medicaid agency, each participating team must include state and community organizations focused on aging and disability (including AAAs, No Wrong Door systems, and Centers for Independent Living); homelessness and housing (including Continuums of Care and public housing authorities); mental health and substance abuse, public health, and more.
USAging, a major technical assistance HSPA provider, anticipates that this new requirement for local-level collaboration will stimulate outreach to AAAs during this application period. States must submit a letter of interest by November 20 and their full application by December 20.
Along with representatives from the state's Medicaid agency, each participating team must include state and community organizations focused on aging and disability (including AAAs, No Wrong Door systems, and Centers for Independent Living); homelessness and housing (including Continuums of Care and public housing authorities); mental health and substance abuse, public health, and more.
USAging, a major technical assistance HSPA provider, anticipates that this new requirement for local-level collaboration will stimulate outreach to AAAs during this application period. States must submit a letter of interest by November 20 and their full application by December 20.