
AAAs and Continuums of Care Addressing Homelessness

USAging members identify homelessness as a major concern in your communities. USAging is elevating the issue nationally, including through this new blog post by CEO Sandy Markwood for the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness. In Older Adults and Homelessness: How Continuums of Care and Area Agencies on Aging Can Collaborate, Markwood calls for stronger coordination between AAAs and local Continuums of Care (CoCs), which help people experiencing homelessness access housing and services, and the development of “aging-capable” homeless prevention and response systems. She highlights the successful work of USAging members The Alliance for Aging, Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia and Aging & Independence Services, County of San Diego as models.
Just as USAging is forming national partnerships, we encourage AAAs to explore partnering with your local CoC. Also learn about the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's new CoCBuilds funding for CoCs to expand or rehabilitate permanent supportive housing.



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