
It's Raining Wins! Senate Passes OAA Reauthorization Bill and Releases FY 2025 Proposed Funding Levels

It was all things Older Americans Act (OAA) last week with the Senate sprinting to the finish line before their August recess. On July 31, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee passed their OAA reauthorization bill (S.4776), which is endorsed by USAging! The bill reauthorizes OAA titles through FY 2029 with a 4.62-percent increase each year starting in FY 2026. It also includes many of USAging's priorities: contracting and AAA independence, Title III D flexibility, nutrition flexibility, prioritization of social isolation national training and technical assistance and increased authorization levels. Read more on the bill.  
Next Steps: We now turn to the House to push them to start their own OAA reauthorization process; keep a lookout for an Advocacy Alert in the coming weeks for guidance on how to engage your Representatives! 
Appropriations: On August 1, the Senate proposed $2.5 billion in FY 2025 funding for the Administration of Community Living (ACL) and thanks to your advocacy, there were no cuts to key OAA programs, unlike the House bill which would cut III C! We are happy to share that the Senate proposed level funding for all USAging top priorities (Title III B and Title VI), with the exception of Title III E, which received an additional $2 million. You can find the Senate-proposed FY 2025 funding levels in USAging's updated appropriations chart



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