
ACL and Senate Aging RFIs: Feedback Needed on Elder Justice and Hoarding Disorder

This month, AAAs and the Aging Network have two opportunities to submit responses to requests for information (RFIs) from the Senate Special Committee on Aging and ACL. 

The Senate Aging Committee is seeking information on the impacts of hoarding disorder, including how it affects your communities and agencies, and how the federal government can help address this issue. For the full RFI, please click here; responses are due to no later than 11:59 PM EST on April 15, 2024.

Responses are also due later this month for ACL's RFI on Elder Justice Coordinating Council Activities. ACL wants to better understand recommended areas or issues where the Elder Justice Coordinating Council can best promote elder justice. Questions include identification of key elder justice areas and issues, which tools can best equip states and communities to uphold elder justice supports and services, and more. Responses are due to by 11:59 PM EST on April 24, 2024. 

To share your responses with USAging and for any questions about these RFIs, please email



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