OAA Final Regulations Released, Detailed Analysis Coming Soon
- By: USAging
- On: 02/09/2024 11:56:58
- In: Policy & Advocacy
This week, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) released the final Older Americans Act regulations reflecting input from over 750 individuals and organizations, including AAAs, Tribes and Tribal organizations and state agencies. The new regulations will take effect on March 15, 2024, but regulated entities have until October 1, 2025, to comply.
USAging's policy team is currently working on a detailed analysis of the final rule, so please look out for more information next week.
In the meantime, ACL is hosting a series of webinars to provide technical assistance and work collaboratively with Aging Network partners to implement the final rule. The first webinar will be held on Thursday, February 15 from 2-2:30 PM EST. Webinar registration information, an overview of the final rule and links to additional resources can be found at
USAging's policy team is currently working on a detailed analysis of the final rule, so please look out for more information next week.
In the meantime, ACL is hosting a series of webinars to provide technical assistance and work collaboratively with Aging Network partners to implement the final rule. The first webinar will be held on Thursday, February 15 from 2-2:30 PM EST. Webinar registration information, an overview of the final rule and links to additional resources can be found at