
New State TA Opportunity—Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator

State agencies and organizations—in partnership with aging, disability, health and housing/homelessness entities—have an opportunity to apply to participate in the year-long 2024 Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator. This technical assistance (TA) opportunity will serve up to four eligible states. AAAs can encourage state Medicaid, aging, disability, health and housing agencies to submit an application that includes them as partners.

The accelerator aims to help states and their partners to set up or strengthen use of Medicaid resources to increase housing stability and improve health outcomes for people with disabilities and older adults experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness. Applications are due December 1, 2023.

USAging is a major technical assistance provider in the accelerator, which is an activity of the federal Housing and Services Resource Center



Financial scams and fraud often increase during the holiday season and older adults are a prime target. Find out how older adults can protect themselves with the 2024 Home for the Holidays campaign!