
Learn How Trualta Can Help Your Agency Better Support Family Caregivers

Join Trualta, USAging's newest Preferred Provider, for a webinar next Wednesday at 12:00 pm ET to discuss the caregiving landscape in 2022—and where innovation is headed. Trualta's evidence-based, remote education platform built specifically for family caregivers is driving outcomes in 25 states.

The Trualta team will be joined by two Trualta clients: Pam Curtis, CEO of Senior Resources in Muskegon, MI, and USAging Board Member, and Melissa Gualtieri, RN, BSN, Director of Business Development at the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging. Both will describe how the program supports their caregivers across complex care situations ranging from conditions such as Alzheimer's and IDD all the way to stroke and diabetes care. We will also discuss the benefits to USAging members of Trualta's new Preferred Provider status. 



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