
It's All About Advocacy on Appropriations!

Nearly one month into the fiscal year, House and Senate leaders have begun to hash out differences between their FY 2022 appropriations bills now that Senate Democrats released their proposed spending levels earlier this week. The countdown to December 3 (the end date of the continuing resolution currently funding the government at FY 2021 levels) is on and it underscores the urgency felt by members to achieve bipartisan agreement.

This week USAging sent an updated letter to appropriations leadership and House and Senate Labor-HHS subcommittee members in our continued push for robust OAA funding as reflected in the recent House-passed appropriations language.

We need your advocacy to keep up the drum beat and fund OAA at the appropriate and long-championed levels. Join us as we urge Congress to support USAging's appropriations requests. Stay on the lookout for upcoming Advocacy Alerts so you can lend your voice in securing critical OAA spending levels for FY 2022. To learn more about the differences between the various funding proposals and how they align with USAging's asks, make sure to read our most recent Legislative Update and check out an easy comparison guide with our updated Appropriations Chart.



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