#WeAreOAA: The Older Americans Act Turns 50!

The Older Americans Act (OAA) is celebrating 50 years of providing services to help millions of older adults every year age with health, independence and dignity in their homes and communities! To highlight this important milestone, please join n4a and the Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO) in spotlighting the importance of the Act and advocating for OAA funding and reauthorization.

Please use this #WeAreOAA Fact Sheet and Infographic to help you get the word out about Older Americans Act and the need to fund, reauthorize and protect the OAA!


Join n4a, our national aging organization partners and other advocates May 18-22 for a Week of Action for OAA to get the word out about OAA and tell Congress to fund, reauthorize and protect OAA. 

Please use this email template to get this information and message out to your networks and stakeholders!

NOW through MONDAY, May 18: 

PROMOTE the Week of Action for OAA activities! Contact your networks to share this information and let them know how they can get involved! When promoting on social media, don’t forget to use #WeAreOAA and also consider posting these resources on your own website.

TUESDAY, May 19: 

PARTICIPATE in the #WeAreOAA Twitter Chat! On Tuesday, May 19 at 1:00 pm ET, discuss Older Americans Act programs and the need for reauthorization. This Twitter Chat will be an online forum for aging advocates, older Americans and family caregivers. To participate in the chat, visit https://twitter.com/hashtag/WeAreOAA or http://twubs.com/WeAreOAA. Also, check out this #WeAreOAA Twitter Chat Guide for more information. 


EMAIL Congress! Write to your members of Congress to tell them why your community needs them to fund, reauthorize and protect the OAA: http://bit.ly/1EifaCg

THURSDAY, May 21: 

CALL Congress! Urge your Senators and Representative to fund, reauthorize and protect the Older Americans Act by restoring appropriations to at least the fiscal year 2010 levels, passing a bipartisan reauthorization and removing the continued threat of across-the-board sequestration cuts. Get more tips and the call-in number sponsored by LeadingAge here: https://www.n4a.org/Files/OAA%20call-in%20script.pdf

FRIDAY, May 22: 

TELL your OAA story! The Administration on Aging at the Administration for Community Living wants to hear from YOU about what OAA means to you and your loved ones. Share stories, photos and videos with them to build awareness about the importance of OAA in communities everywhere! 

Learn More:

Financial scams and fraud often increase during the holiday season and older adults are a prime target. Find out how older adults can protect themselves with the 2024 Home for the Holidays campaign!