Event Calendar

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Webinar: Coordinating Rural Transportation

Start Date: 9/14/2023 2:00 PM EDT
End Date: 9/14/2023 3:00 PM EDT

United States 

Event Website: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_88zlcwEuSJifcFkQipiG4w#/registration

Organization Name: National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC)

Email: contact@nadtc.org
Phone: (202) 872-0888

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC; co-administered by USAging and Easterseals) will host the second in a series of human services webinars focused on The Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin’s (CILWW) expansion of its transportation program. Bobbi Hegna, Director of Transportation at CILWW, and Cheryl Bereiter, Transportation Coordinator at the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Northwest Wisconsin, will provide an overview of the programs and how they are working together to expand transportation using Section 5310 funding, without duplicating services.

USAging Fact: Learn about your peers’ work—and how it can fit into your agency’s goals! The AIA Awards recognizes successful and innovative programs that USAging members have developed to serve older adults. Get inspiration from our 2024 winners!