Event Calendar

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Webinar: n4a Lunchtime Innovations Series

Start Date: 10/8/2019 1:00 PM EDT
End Date: 10/8/2019 2:00 PM EDT

United States 

Event Website: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5542539560723888642

Organization Name: National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Joellen Leavelle
Email: jleavelle@n4a.org
Phone: 2028720888

Join n4a and your peer agencies for a four-part n4a member-only lunchtime webinar series that will provide an overview of innovative programs your peers are running at their agencies. As a participant, you will hear from your peers on how they developed, implemented and sustained these programs within their agencies. Tips on how you can replicate these programs within your agencies will be shared as well, with time for Q & A at the end. All spotlighted programs won n4a Aging Innovations Awards this year; read more about them here: www.n4a.org/aia.

The October 8 webinar will highlight:

  • An enhanced supportive services model that helps older adults avoid evictions, reduces emergency room visits and unnecessary 911 calls, and improves the overall health and well-being of senior housing residents developed by Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley in Lawrence, MA.
  • A program connecting college students and older adults at an on-campus congregate meal site that provides older adults with flexible dining hours, fresh food choices and intergenerational programming developed by Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging, Inc. in Ontario, OH.
  • A creative transportation solution, through an arrangement with ride-sharing service Lyft, for older adults in areas not supported by public transportation systems developed by Community Council/Dallas Area Agency on Aging in Dallas, TX.

USAging Fact: Learn about your peers’ work—and how it can fit into your agency’s goals! The AIA Awards recognizes successful and innovative programs that USAging members have developed to serve older adults. Get inspiration from our 2024 winners!