n4a Comments on CMS Medicare Advantage Call Letter
n4a recently submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding the draft CY 2019 Medicare Advantage Call Letter. The call letter proposes changes to Medicare Advantage policies to allow MA plans to provide primary health-related services to Medicare Advantage beneficiaries. n4a supports this proposal but also encourages CMS to ensure that all Medicare beneficiaries have access to health-related services and supports that can improve health outcomes and reduce Medicare costs. n4a also urges CMS to ensure that beneficiaries have adequate access to independent Medicare counseling and educational resources to fully understand their coverage options--especially as the Agency proposes policies that could further complicate the Medicare landscape.
The full link to the comment letter is here: https://n4a.membershipsoftware.org/files/n4a Comments CMS 2019 Medicare Advantage Call Letter 3_5_18.pdf
For more information on this issue, contact Autumn Campbell (acampbell@n4a.org).