May 6, 2024 Advocacy Alert

Act Now to Urge Your Members to Show Support for OAA, SHIP Funding!  

May 6, 2024

There are two advocacy opportunities that need your swift response! Please see the below details, take action, then urge your providers and other stakeholders to join you in your advocacy!.    

Urge Your Representatives to Sign onto OAA Funding Letter 

Representatives Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) and Elise Stefanik (R-NY) are circulating a letter to their colleagues urging support for FY 2025 funding for Older Americans Act Title III programs, including Title III B Home and Community-Based Supportive Services, Title III C Nutrition Services, Title III D Evidence-Based Health Promotion and Disease Prevention programs, and the Title III E National Family Caregiver Support Program. 
We need you to urge your Representatives to sign this letter to ensure that it receives the strong support needed to
adequately fund these programs in FY 2025. Currently, there is no signature deadline, but we encourage you to act as soon as possible. 
  • You can contact your staff contact in your Representative’s DC office or call the DC office. You can reach the office through the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121 or find the number on your Representative’s website. If you need help finding an email for your office, please contact USAging’s policy team at
  • Tell them about this Dear Colleague letter and offer to email them a link to the letter if they don’t already have it. 
  • Let them know exactly why you want your Representative to sign the letter. Give local statistics that demonstrate the need for an increase in funding for these programs. You can also use USAging’s appropriations campaign tool to craft your talking points. If asked for a staff contact, please tell them to reach out to Allie Pearce (
Urge Your Senators to Sign onto Medicare SHIP Funding Letter 

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) is circulating a letter to his colleagues urging support for FY 2025 funding for the Medicare State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) at no less than $80 million.  
  • Please urge your Senators to sign this letter as your action will help build the strong support needed to ensure Medicare SHIP is adequately funded. The current deadline for signatures on this letter is May 8. We encourage you to take action as soon as possible.
  • You can reach out to your staff contact in your Senator’s DC office or call the DC office. You can reach the office through the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121 or find the number on your Senators’ websites. If you need help finding an email for your office, please contact USAging’s policy team at   
  • Tell them about this Dear Colleague letter and offer to email them a link to the letter if they don’t already have it.   
  • Let them know exactly why you want your Senator to sign on to the letter. Make sure they understand Medicare SHIPs provide local, in-depth and objective insurance counseling and assistance to Medicare-eligible individuals, their families and caregivers. If asked for a staff contact, please tell them to reach out to Sebastian Cardona-Negron (

If you have questions or concerns about this Advocacy Alert or USAging’s policy positions, please contact the USAging Policy Team, Amy Gotwals, Olivia Umoren and Seth Ickes at

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