Take YOUR Shot!
Pima Council on Aging
A 2022 Innovations Winner, USAging Aging Innovations & Achievement Awards.
Reframing Aging San Francisco
San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services
A 2020 Innovations Winner, n4a Aging Innovations & Achievement Awards.
Boston’s Senior Civic Academy
Age Strong Commission
A 2020 Innovations Winner, n4a Aging Innovations & Achievement Awards.
Building the AAA’s Value with Area Businesses
Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio
A 2020 Innovations Winner, n4a Aging Innovations & Achievement Awards.
The Silver Key Coalition
Area Agency on Aging 1-B
A 2015 Innovations Winner, n4a Aging Innovations & Achievement Awards.
Senior & Disability Survival School and Senior & Disability University
San Francisco Department of Aging & Adult Services (DAAS)
A 2014 Innovations Winner, n4a Aging Innovations & Achievement Awards.
Unseen Images, Untold Stories: Using Photovoice to Capture the Lives of LGBT Elders
A 2014 Innovations Winner, n4a Aging Innovations & Achievement Awards.