GoMo Health


Sean Malone, Senior Director of Growth
Email: smalone@gomohealth.com
Phone: (855) 228-4330

Category: Caregiver Engagement and Education Hub

Program Description: GoMo Health is a science-based patient and consumer engagement company focused on health care and wellness. Our evidence-based BehavioralRx® lifestyle modification science addresses the “whole person”–psychosocial and physical.

AAA Champion:
"This program is a powerful tool for unpaid caregivers helping them manage caregiving responsibilities, and for their loved ones to thrive at home. It's a game-changer for the estimated 177,000 family caregivers in Santa Clara County, CA, and we’re excited to make this program available to support area agencies on aging, health plans, and others."

-- Aneliza Del Pinal, CEO, Sourcewise, Santa Clara, CA

Learn more about this Marketplace Supporter.

Other Materials:

Visit the Website: www.gomohealth.com.

Have questions about the Marketplace? Please contact corporateprograms@usaging.org.

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