Social Media

We’ve created a sample Social Media Calendar with posts you can use to lead up your vaccine event and the ADVC campaign launch. This is an Excel document and you will be able to customize every post to cater to your audience. We’ve also created a handful of samples that are ready to go, so if you don’t use the calendar provided, you can use these pre-made posts with the imagery provided. If you don’t have a community manager, please make sure to designate someone to answer questions and provide more information to people who ask questions in the chat or through Direct Message. You will also have access to a gallery of images with campaign branding and without to use along with the posts provided in the excel document. 

Size: N/A

Distribution: Digital


Audience: People Aged 60+, People with disabilities, Caregivers

Format: Text + Imagery

Link to Social Calendar:

Download Link: 

Spanish Versions: