Aging Services Workforce

The Aging Network is experiencing workforce shortages and labor challenges. To better understand how workforce challenges are impacting AAAs, service providers and older adults, USAging conducted a survey of AAAs in Spring 2022. The results show that workforce shortages are creating significant problems for older adults and their families seeking a range of home and community-based services such as in-home care, home-delivered meals and transportation, all of which AAAs are experts in coordinating and providing. If not addressed swiftly and meaningfully, current and projected workforce shortages will result in widespread negative outcomes for older adults and communities across the country. The network of AAA staff, contracted providers and volunteers are all critical to ensuring that older adults can live well at home. 

USAging has developed the following resources to share the findings with AAAs and other stakeholders. These can be used to demonstrate the widespread challenges facing the Aging Network, advocate for additional support and develop strategies to address workforce challenges.




Impact of Workforce Shortages on AAAs and Older Adults: Results from a USAging Poll
         Recording    Slides

Stopgap Measures to Address Caregiver Shortages
         Recording    Slides

Increasing Employee Engagement and Retention in Rural-Serving Agencies  
         Recording    Slides