Statement from USAging CEO Sandy Markwood
on the Biden Administration’s FY 2024 Budget Proposal
For Immediate Releaseon the Biden Administration’s FY 2024 Budget Proposal
March 17, 2023
Contact: Joellen Leavelle, and 202.719.8890
USAging applauds President Biden’s budget proposal and its emphasis on the critical need for our nation to invest in the home and community-based services that help older adults age well at home—and to support the caregivers who help make this happen. The budget proposal demonstrates the Biden Administration’s recognition of the need for the nation’s older adults to have access to the vital home and community-based services provided under the Older Americans Act (OAA), which are essential to supporting health, safety and independence. The Biden budget proposal backs this up by investing in tackling the issues facing the nation’s growing number of older adults and caregivers that demand additional resources to support the needs of this population now and in the future.
The significant and essential OAA increases contained in the Biden budget, particularly those that support the ability of older adults to age well at home and in their communities through the provision of services, including in-home care, transportation, caregiver supports and meals, are among USAging’s top priorities for FY 2024 appropriations and include OAA Title III B Supportive Services, Title III E National Family Caregiver Support Program and Title VI Native American Aging Programs. We also support increases in Title III C Nutrition Services funding, and will continue to push for funding with maximum flexibility at the local agency level to determine how best to provide meals and other nutritional supports to older adults.
Additionally, USAging strongly supports the Biden Administration’s Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) recommendations to improve access and address workforce issues that reflect and prioritize the assistance that older adults, caregivers and people with disabilities need to remain as healthy and independent as possible in their homes and communities.
We look forward to working with Congress to ensure that these spending levels become reality.
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