Senate Releases Overdue Funding Bills, House Returns to DC Next Week
- By: USAging
- On: 11/13/2020 10:07:25
- In: Policy & Advocacy
One week after a monumental election, Senate appropriators returned to DC to release all 12 of their FY 2021 federal funding bills. Months after House action on the bulk of their spending proposals—including for OAA and other aging programs—Senate lawmakers introduced packages that would largely level fund federal programs next year. Both chambers will have to compromise soon if Congress hopes to pass full-year FY 2021 appropriations by the time the current short-term funding measure expires on December 11.
Next week, House lawmakers will return to DC to continue working on must-pass spending and health care bills before closing out the 116th Congress. Time is limited to achieve both full-year funding plans and additional coronavirus relief that policymakers failed to accomplish before the election. It will be essential to continue to push for action during the lame-duck legislative session. Stay tuned to n4a next week for updated information and resources for aging advocates!
For more information on the Senate spending bills, see our November 12 Legislative Update.