Aging Network Stakeholders Urge Congress to Keep Negotiating
- By: USAging
- On: 08/07/2020 13:14:08
- In: Policy & Advocacy
This week, n4a, along with ADvancing States, Meals on Wheels America and the National Association for Nutrition and Aging Services Providers, sent another letter to House and Senate Leadership urging lawmakers to ensure that the next COVID-19 relief package include OAA funding that, at a minimum, repeats the $1.1 billion included in the Families First and CARES Acts.
This letter was sent in response to the Senate-introduced HEALS Act—the Republican proposal for the next round of coronavirus relief—which did not include significant additional funding for critical Older Americans Act and other community aging programs.
The letter highlights that needs have increased significantly among older Americans and warns that states and local agencies are starting to run out of previously provided federal support. Additionally, n4a and its partners emphasize the importance of increasing federal funding for state Medicaid and Medicaid HCBS waiver programs, as well as providing emergency funding to address devastating budget shortfalls in state and local governments. Your advocacy is still essential as negotiations continue on the next round of virus relief legislation.