
Spread the Word About the 2020 Census in Your Community

The 2020 Census is well underway and more and more households across America are responding every day. Even in these trying times, it is important to help ensure that older adults in your community are counted. It's not too late to encourage older adults in your community to complete the census—online, by phone or by mail.

What you can do? n4a members can help spread the word and encourage self-response now. If you would like promotional items to urge older adults and caregivers in your community to complete the 2020 Census, contact John Stelmachowicz at to place an order. Materials are available in English and Spanish. AAAs will receive up to 300 while supplies last.  
Responses to the 2020 Census are factored into a tremendous number of policy actions and funding formulas (including Older Americans Act), at the federal, state and local levels, so it's important that everyone living in the U.S. is counted. Census response also shapes decisions about how public funds are spent for schools, fire and emergency services and health care for your community. We encourage n4a members to take action to ensure that the older adults and caregivers you serve will be counted.
For more information visit:



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