All Eyes Turn to Senate for Next Round of Virus Response
- By: USAging
- On: 05/29/2020 10:10:42
- In: Policy & Advocacy
Senators are in their states this week, but advocates of all stripes, including n4a, are preparing to push for Senate action on another round of coronavirus relief legislation when lawmakers return to DC. In a letter sent this week to Senate leaders, n4a urged Senators to incorporate funding for the Aging Network to support technology and outreach activities to mitigate widespread social isolation among older adults into phase-four legislation responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, n4a urged Senators to adopt provisions from the House-passed HEROES Act to provide funding for state and local governments, boost the federal matching rate for state Medicaid and Medicaid home and community-based waiver programs, and support increased funding for vital safety net programs for older adults, including nutrition support through SNAP. At this point, Senate Majority Leaders have rejected any urgency to act on additional relief legislation, and local advocacy will be essential to secure future federal support for for pandemic response efforts.