
Upcoming ACL Training Webinars

In light of recent changes to ACL's State Performance Report (SPR) and Older Americans Act Performance System (OAAPS), ACL is hosting a series of webinars to help AAAs learn how the changes affect reporting of Title III B programs and services. Register for the next webinar. For those unable to attend, ACL will provide self-directed training materials on the OAAPS website to ensure that you are informed of the changes. 

Additionally, ACL will host six training webinars on the new Title III new SPR and OAAPS. n4a members are encouraged to register. Questions? Contact
  • Business Process Maturation: Wednesday, June 17 at 1:30 PM ET
  • NSIP/Title III C: Wednesday, July 15 at 1:30 PM ET
  • Legal Assistance: Tuesday, July 28 at 1:30 PM ET
  • Title III D: Wednesday, August 19 at 1:30 PM ET
  • Title III E: Tuesday, September 8 at 2:30 PM ET
  • Business Case Check-In: Wednesday, October 7 at 1:00 PM ET



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