
Spotlight on Innovations and Achievements: Reimagine Aging

We're highlighting the cutting-edge programs and successful strategies used by the 2018 recipients of n4a's Aging Innovations and Achievement Awards in this weekly spotlight feature. This week we're focusing on the Baltimore County Department of Aging program Reimagine Aging, winner in the Social Engagement category.

The Reimagine Aging campaign was developed by the Baltimore County Department of Aging to raise awareness of ageism and promote a more positive view of aging. The campaign consisted of social media and educational outreach over the course of six months. By using the hashtag #ReimagineAging2017, The Baltimore County Department of Aging was able to spur online conversations about aging stereotypes and why they should be stopped. This campaign also featured a contest in which individuals could nominate someone age 60 or older in the community to be the “Face of Reimagine Aging.”
The Baltimore County Department of Aging decided to launch the campaign in May 2017 after an informal media analysis found that the most pertinent issue was ageism and stereotypes around aging. The goal from here was to promote aging in a positive way and at the same time teach individuals about how to live a long and healthy life.
A unique aspect of this initiative was its partnership with students at  Towson University who hosted candid student discussions about aging. Reimagine Aging was also used as the theme for the annual Power of Age Expo where Towson University students gathered data, interacted with attendees and discussed ageism with 600 of the Expo's attendees. In all, 4,889 people participated in the Reimagine Aging initiative.
Through the Reimagine Aging initiative, the Baltimore County Department of Aging made a significant impact on changing ageing stereotypes in the Baltimore community. While they did make great strides, the team acknowledge that ageism still exists and that Reimagine Aging should continue via social media and events. They have made a commitment to continuing to educate the public about aging.
To learn more about Reimagine Aging, contact Jill Hall, Division Chief Senior Centers and Community Services, Baltimore Country Department of Aging at
To learn more about this year's winners, read our press release and check out our book of winners to learn how your agency can implement this or similar programs in your community! Now is also the time to nominate one of your agency's programs to win a 2019 AIA Award, so review the guidelines and consider nominating your agency's programs!



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