
Tools to Help Your Agency Change the Conversation on Aging

Have you heard of Reframing Aging? It's a national movement to change the way we think and speak about aging by combatting ageism to provide a more accurate reflection of what aging really is. By moving toward language that portrays aging and the growing number of older adults as an opportunity for change—for society and within the Aging Network—Reframing Aging moves us away from descriptions that depict older adults as frail and vulnerable. While we know that those terms are accurate for some older adults, it certainly isn't the case for all of them.

The words we use—in reports, grant applications, our websites, social media and in what we say—have a tremendous impact on perceptions. The Reframing Aging initiative encourages us all to take a close look at the words we use and to change the narrative from one in which older adults are deemed helpless to one in which they are viewed as valuable members of society. Learn more about the initiative on the Frameworks Institute's website and begin to change the conversation in your community.

Interested in getting a Reframing Aging training for your staff? We have limited staff ability to help spread the word about Reframing Aging. Contact Joellen Leavelle, n4a Communications Director and Reframing Aging Master Trainer, at



Financial scams and fraud often increase during the holiday season and older adults are a prime target. Find out how older adults can protect themselves with the 2024 Home for the Holidays campaign!