
Aging Network Continues to Break Conference Attendance Records in Chicago

Last week, more than 1,200 of the Aging Network's leaders and innovators gathered in Chicago for n4a's 43rd Annual Conference and Tradeshow, continuing to set new attendance records for one of the Aging Network's most important conferences.

During the conference, aging professionals and experts from across the country led a variety of insightful panels, sessions and workshops exploring issues ranging from age-friendly health systems to policy developments and innovations impacting Medicare.

Following a series of intensive pre-conference sessions and workshops, n4a kicked off the opening General Session with a riveting keynote presentation from Joseph F. Coughlin, Director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) AgeLab and author of The Longevity Economy: Unlocking the World's Fastest-Growing, Most Misunderstood Market. During his presentation, Dr. Coughlin outlined how current social, economic and technological trends among older adults and caregivers will shape the future of aging and how the Aging Network can incorporate a new understanding of these needs into the services and supports it provides. The following Welcome Reception in the Tradeshow provided attendees with an opportunity to make new connections with exhibitors and Aging Network colleagues.

Monday's General Session, Mission Forward: Advancing the Aging Network, focused on the key national issues, strategies and partnerships that are essential for n4a and the Aging Network to meet the needs of a growing aging population. Lance Robertson, Assistant Secretary for Aging and Administrator of the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), delivered his first address to the n4a Annual Conference as ACL Administrator and provided an overview of the Administration's priorities in supporting AAAs, Title VI aging programs, older adults and caregivers. n4a CEO Sandy Markwood later sat down for a conversation with AARP Foundation President Lisa Marsh Ryerson for an update on the organization's current initiatives and partnership opportunities to help older adults build economic opportunity and social connectedness.

During Tuesday's General Session, Dr. Terry Fulmer, President of The John A. Hartford Foundation, discussed the foundation's Age-Friendly Health Systrems (AFHS) initiative and led a panel of AAA and health care leaders who are implementing the AFHS model to build community partnerships and improve health outcomes and care coordination for older adults. In Wednesday's final General Session, outgoing n4a President Kathy Boles led a panel of representatives from national minority aging organizations to discuss the importance of cultural competency as well as opportunities and challenges for the Aging Network to meet the needs of diverse aging populations. Kathy also passed the gavel to Deborah Stone-Walls, Executive of the Maui County Office on Aging and n4a's newly-elected President.

Need to refresh your notes or share resources with your staff? Presentations and workshop materials are now available for registered participants to download at Photo highlights from this year's conference can also be found on n4a's Facebook page.

And save the date for next year's conference which will be held July 27-31, 2019 in New Orleans!



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