
FY 2019 OAA Funding Bill Clears First Step in House

This morning, in a party-line vote, the House appropriations subcommittee that has jurisdiction over Older Americans Act and other critical aging programs approved a measure that would largely fund these programs at current levels.

The bill that subcommittee members moved forward preserves the increases for many aging programs that were in the final FY 2018 omnibus spending bill, but it does not make further increases in most aging programs.

We likely won't have specific line-item details about AoA/ACL programs until the full House Appropriations Committee considers the bill, but as far as we can tell right now, House appropriators have rejected the Administration's request to grant full authority to the states to allocate OAA Title III funding—we reported on n4a's concerns about this request and sent a letter to Congress last week about the issue. Stay tuned: The Senate should release its funding bill for OAA and other aging programs later this month.

As we explore this proposal further and talk to our members as well as our partners in the Aging Network, n4a will share additional analysis and advocacy opportunities.

If your agency or state has comments or feedback about this proposal, please reach out to n4a Director, Public Policy and Advocacy Autumn Campbell.



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