New Short Survey: How Do You Promote the Social Engagement of Older Adults in Your Community?
- By: USAging
- On: 05/03/2018 16:36:57
- In: Program Update
We need your help! Offering innovative programming and a fresh variety of ways to keep older adults engaged in their communities is essential for the Aging Network. n4a has launched a short survey to find out more about how AAAs keep older adults active and socially engaged.
We want to know about the types of programs your agency provides to help older adults stay engaged in the community. Through a short survey, engAGED: The National Center for Engaging Older Adults aims to learn how AAAs and Title VI programs address the needs of older adults in their communities.
engAGED is a partnership between n4a and Generations United, the National Center for Creative Aging, National Resource Center for Osher Lifelong Learning, and Older Adults Technology Services (OATS). Answers to the survey will help us as we develop a national strategy to increase the social engagement of older adults.
The survey will take approximately 7-10 minutes to complete, yet provide rich information to help the Aging Network better meet the social engagement needs of older adults.
Take the survey!