Tell Us What Resources Your Agency Needs to Combat Elder Abuse
- By: USAging
- On: 02/15/2018 15:38:25
- In: Hot Topics in Aging
To increase awareness and to strengthen educational activities on the topic of elder abuse, n4a is working with the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) to learn more about the Aging Network's knowledge of existing elder abuse resources and to identify gaps in public awareness that may exist in local communities around the topic of elder abuse.
To accomplish this, n4a is asking our members to take a short survey that will provide valuable feedback to NCEA, which serves as the U.S. Administration on Aging's national resource center on elder abuse. NCEA is committed to providing the latest information on research, training, best practices and resources for both professionals and the public.
Nearly one-third of all crisis calls made in 2016 to n4a's Eldercare Locator concerned suspected elder abuse (Making Connections: Consumer Needs in an Aging America). Given the growing number inquiries related to elder abuse, efforts to increase the Aging Network's knowledge and expand resources related to elder abuse have never been more critical.
The survey should take you no longer than 10 minutes to complete and will provide n4a and NCEA with invaluable information as we work to strengthen resources and information on elder abuse. Aggregated results from the survey will be shared with n4a and with the Aging Network.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact NCEA's Kimberly Moon or n4a's Director of the Eldercare Locator Patrice Earnest.