
Making the Business Case for Benefits Counseling and Enrollment

n4a is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for AAAs interested in participating in a pilot project to partner with health plans on benefits counseling and enrollment assistance.

The project, part of n4a's collaboration with the National Council on Aging (NCOA), seeks to determine the return on investment of work that Area Agencies on Aging do to educate and enroll health plan members in Medicare Savings Programs and Low-Income Subsidy benefits for Medicare Part D costs. These assistance programs are critical to many older adults and people with disabilities who struggle to pay their Medicare premiums and deductibles.
In the next few weeks, n4a will release a survey to further explain the project and gauge interest for participation. One to three AAAs will be selected to participate in March 2018.
If your agency has experience with benefits counseling, relationships with your local health care plans, and an interest in being part of an innovative new initiative that will move the network forward, be on the lookout for our forthcoming survey!
If you have questions about this project, please reach out to Davis Baird, n4a Senior Program Associate.



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