
n4a Launches engAGED, a Resource Center to Promote Social Engagement

To launch engAGED: The National Resource Center for Engaging Older Adultsn4a has partnered with Generations United, the National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA), Older Adults Technology Services (OATS), and the National Resource Center for OSHER Lifelong Learning Institutes. Funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living, engAGED will collect and disseminate information about innovative engagement practices, resources and tools that the Aging Network can use in their communities.

“A growing body of research suggests that when older adults remain active, their quality of life—and health—can improve. Through their work, n4a members see the benefits of social engagement every day and recognize the benefits of remaining engaged in their communities can provide to older adults,” said Sandy Markwood, n4a CEO. “We are thrilled that the new resource center will help ensure that the Aging Network has the most up-to-date tools and strategies for engaging older adults in a variety of ways.”

With input from the Aging Network, n4a and its partners will also develop a national strategy for raising the awareness of and increasing access to innovative engagement approaches and programming that can be adapted and replicated locally. The recently-launched engAGED web page already includes resources from our partners, including information about the arts, intergenerational activities, lifelong learning, staying connected through technology, and volunteerism. And you can view a recording of our launch webinar to learn more!

engAGED is building a database of innovative engagement program examples and resources. To have your work included in this database, email your examples or resources to Karen Homer. The resource center will also provide periodic updates about resources, events, and research. Please contact Karen to join the list and stay engAGED!



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