Reminder: Tell Us How You Measure Your Value!
- By: USAging
- On: 11/17/2017 23:49:55
- In: Hot Topics in Aging
Does your agency measure the value of the services you provide to your communities? If so, tell us how. If not, tell us why not.
n4a is building upon our capacity-building efforts, which include the biennial AAA survey funded by ACL, and we'd like to know how and whether AAAs estimate the value of services that their agencies provide in their communities.
Your responses will help us identify how AAAs are measuring their value to the community and to health care partners. If your AAA is not measuring value, we want to know that too!
The results of this topical poll will help us better understand the role that value measurement plays in health care partnerships, and the challenges that AAAs may face in measuring the value of their programs and services. They will also be pivotal in helping us tell the story of the Aging Network to policymakers, new funding partners and other key stakeholders.
Take the poll now!