n4a to Release National Title VI Program Survey
On September 13, n4a will release the National Title VI Program Survey 2017 Report: Serving Tribal Elders Across the United States. Title VI of the Older Americans Act funds tribal programs to deliver nutrition and supportive services to American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian elders and their caregivers. Conducted every two to three years, this survey captures data on the services and supports that Title VI programs offer elders, the challenges they face in providing services, and new opportunities for partnership and programming.
With a grant from the Administration for Community Living, n4a partnered with Scripps Gerontology Center to conduct the survey between January and March of this year.
Key survey findings include the following:
- The majority of Title VI programs serve American Indian elders in rural or frontier areas, which creates unique transportation challenges for the agencies to deliver services and supports. Some Title VI programs in remote or frontier areas use alternative transportation such as four-wheel drive vehicles, planes, ferries/boats or snow machines to provide services to elders.
- The services most often offered by Title VI programs are congregate and home-delivered meals, information and referral assistance, and outreach.
- The average Title VI program has approximately four full-time staff, four part-time staff and four volunteers to serve hundreds of elders.