Strengthen Volunteer Engagement with New Assessment Tool
- By: USAging
- On: 08/25/2017 12:52:17
- In: Hot Topics in Aging
The Aging Network Volunteer Resource Center's Volunteer Program Self-Assessment, developed for the Stepping Up webinar series, can help your agency take its volunteer program to the next level by examining what's working and what might need attention.
According to n4a's National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), more than 90,000 volunteers contribute their time to serving America's older adults. Many more volunteers also serve with partners and contractors. No matter how your AAA or Title VI Aging Program engages volunteers—through Senior Corps, an office of volunteer engagement, self-directed teams, or with an outside agency—a high level of commitment and resources are required to meet critical needs and to ensure a successful experience for volunteers.
One of the best ways to strengthen volunteer engagement is by performing an annual “check-up." Complete the Stepping Up Volunteer Program Self-Assessment by yourself or collect responses from team members and begin a conversation to generate new ideas. You might even ask some of your volunteer leaders to complete it, too!
Request a copy of the Volunteer Program Self-Assessment by contacting Karen Homer, n4a Research Associate, at For questions about the self-assessment or to discuss ways to use it, contact Peter Lane, Director of the Aging Network Volunteer Resource Center, at