
In Case You Missed It: Webinar Recording on the National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging 2017 Report

Earlier this week, n4a conducted a webinar on key findings from the newly released National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging 2017 Report: Serving America's Older Adults. A recording of the webinar, featuring remarks from n4a CEO Sandy Markwood and Erin Long, Aging Services Program Specialist with the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and Project Officer for the ACL grant funding the survey, is now available!

Conducted every two to three years, the AAA National Survey tracks the latest trends in the Aging Network and helps AAAs keep pulse on the latest development in the field by answering questions such as how AAAs are engaging in integrated care, commonly offered AAA services, and how AAAs are addressing funding and sustainability. The webinar was recorded and is available for viewing anytime on the n4a Webinar Recordings page.

Are you coming to the n4a Annual Conference in Savannah? We will also have a session on the report on Tuesday, August 1 at 10:15 am. The session, “AAA National Survey Report Released: Leverage Data to Improve Bottom Line,” will highlight the key findings from the report, share information on the toolkit, and engage the audience in an interactive discussion about ways to utilize the data in your agencies and local communities.

Click here to view the full webinar recording.



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