
2017 AAA National Survey Report and Toolkit: Now Available!

Earlier this week, n4a released the National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging 2017 Report: Serving America's Older Adults. This major survey, funded through a grant from the Administration for Community Living and conducted in partnership with Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University, tracks trends, innovations and opportunities in the AAA Network.

Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) continue to rapidly evolve to meet today's changing landscape and escalating demands. Despite a rapidly growing aging population, traditional AAA funding sources are decreasing or stagnating. The survey data shows that AAAs are positioning themselves for new opportunities. Key findings from the report are:
  • A majority (63 percent) of AAAs are involved in at least one integrated care activity, which is an approach to managing and delivering health services so individuals receive a continuum of preventive and curative services, according to their needs and across different systems.
  • AAAs are serving a broader population base than ever before: 85 percent of AAAs now serve consumers under 60 with a disability/ chronic illness and 66 percent serve veterans of all ages.
  • Fifteen (15) percent of AAAs reported funding from health care payers such as hospitals and insurance companies. This represents a new funding stream for many AAAs. AAAs are reimbursed for services such as care management, developing service/ care plans, conducting intake assessments, and assisting with care transitions.
  • The most common sources of funding for AAA services (not including the Older Americans Act which all AAAs receive) are state general revenue (69 percent) and Medicaid (65 percent).
  • AAAs provide, either directly or by contract, an average of seven elder abuse prevention or intervention activities. 
This year, in addition to the National Report, n4a is providing AAAs with a comprehensive toolkit developed to help you tell your agency's story in relation to national trends. The toolkit includes:
  • “Fast Facts” snapshot of survey data
  • PowerPoint slidedeck on key findings to strengthen your local presentations
  • Customizable brochure based on the popular "Local Leaders" booklet
  • 25 State Reports for states that met the required response rate
To view the full report and toolkit, visit

Interested in learning more? Join us for a webinar on Tuesday, July 18 at 2 p.m. ET. Click here to register.



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