
ACL Issues Guidance on Serving Holocaust Survivors

In response to statutory updates in the 2016 Older Americans Act reauthorization and requests from advocates, ACL issued guidance last week for conducting outreach and providing services for Holocaust survivors to help the Aging Network build stronger connections to organizations serving this population. 

The guidance examines the unique needs and challenges of serving Holocaust survivors, with a focus on person-centered, trauma-informed approaches to mental and physical health, nutrition, transportation, caregiver support, outreach, legal and ombudsman services.
After soliciting member feedback over the summer on if and how your agencies are already working to meet the needs of Holocaust survivors, n4a submitted formal comments to the Administration on Aging. In addition to submitting comments, n4a has also worked to support our members serving this population through a member-only webinar held in September in partnership with the Jewish Federations of North America that explored programs helping Holocaust survivors age in place with dignity.  




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