
Region 2 AAA Winner of Online Medicare Course Contest!

We are pleased to announce that Region 2 Area Agency on Aging in Brooklyn, Michigan is the winner of the Medicare Education Online Course "selfie contest." We developed the contest to increase interest in this valuable Medicare training opportunity and to have some fun along the way!

Sixteen Region 2 AAA staff members took the course and the response was overwhelmingly positive. "I found the course to be so helpful, I even passed it along to people I know in other organizations," said Kandy Hayes, Information & Referral/Intake Specialist. "This is a great tool to help all of us better understand the complexities of Medicare."

The course, developed in collaboration with the Medicare Made Clear team at UnitedHealthcare, was designed to help staff at every level of experience take their Medicare education efforts to a whole new level. For their big win, Region 2 AAA will receive a generous supply of some of our most popular consumer brochures, including "Doing Good is Good For You: Volunteer!", "Guide to Benefits for Seniors" and "Before You Give Up the Keys: Create a Roadmap for Transportation Independence." 

If you have not yet had a chance to take the course, it can still be accessed online. And let us know what you think by contacting Sarah Casiano at




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