
Stay Connected to Us; And Invite Us to Visit!

Thank you to the many of you who have already renewed your membership! If you have not yet renewed, you will start to lose out on valuable member benefits, including this very newsletter, in the beginning of November. 

Every day in our DC office, n4a staff are working diligently to support your aging work, whether it's through program development, advocacy on Capitol Hill or answering the thousands of calls that come into the Eldercare Locator and helping consumers find your local resources and programs. We also travel to you to provide updates and information at your events throughout the year. In fact, within this month alone, n4a staff have traveled to member events in Missouri, Wisconsin, Oregon and Virginia. 

Did you know n4a experts can make for great speakers at your statewide or local events? States with 100 percent membership get preference (and n4a travel costs covered), but please don't hesitate to reach out if you have need of a speaker on national aging trends, advocacy and policy, business acumen, managed care, transportation, volunteer management, leadership, Livable Communities and much more. And don't let the travel be a barrier—we can beam in via Skype or old-fashioned phone if you'd like! Contact Amy Gotwals, n4a's Chief, Public Policy and External Affairs, for more information. 

We hope you agree with your peers who indicated a 94 percent approval rate with regard to the value of n4a membership on last year's membership survey and that you don't miss a minute of engagement in the 2017 membership year! You can pay your dues online or contact Rebecca Levine for an invoice. If you need more time, just let us know.



Financial scams and fraud often increase during the holiday season and older adults are a prime target. Find out how older adults can protect themselves with the 2024 Home for the Holidays campaign!