Home Improvement Scams Focus of New Brochure
- By: USAging
- On: 06/03/2016 15:39:34
- In: Policy & Advocacy
This has turned out to be a banner publishing year for n4a, with the release, so far, of such popular brochures as Before You Give Up the Keys, Guide to Benefits for Seniors and the soon-to-be-released Home Improvement Scams: Tools to Reduce Your Risk.
The newest publication focuses on the growing problem of scam artists causing older adults to lose thousands of dollars and even their homes under the guise of "helping" them to make home repairs. The full-color, glossy Eldercare Locator brochure features tips and resources to help ensure that older adults can undertake successful home improvement projects so they can continue to live with safety and independence in their homes and communities.
We will be in touch soon with information about how you can order this important publication.