
Catch Our n4a Experts at ASA Conference

The American Society on Aging conference is in town and we hope to catch up with any n4a members coming to DC! 
Please be sure to swing by our booth in the exhibit hall, come to the Sunday night 6:45 pm AAA peer group, and look for our n4a sessions on policy, transportation, MLTSS, livable communities and mental health and aging across the conference.
Area Agency on Aging Peer Group
Sunday, 6:45–7:45 pm, Marriott, Taft
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging in the Exhibit Hall
Booth #115
Hours: Monday, 5:30–7:00 pm; Tuesday, 7:30 am–2:00 pm
n4a Staff Workshops:
4:00–5:00 pm, Omni, Executive Room
Tools for the Development of a Dementia-Friendly Community
Stephanie Firestone, n4a's Director, Livable Communities, will be presenting.
9:00 am, Marriott, Delaware A
Federal Initiatives and Policy Implications for Mental Health and Aging
Nora Super, n4a's Chief, Programs and Services, will be presenting.
9:00–10:30 am, Marriott, Maryland A
Supporting Community Engagement Through Sharing and Technology
Virginia Dize, n4a's Co-Director, National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, will be presenting.
9:00–10:30 am, Omni, Congressional B
On the Move: The Importance of Safe Transportation Alternatives for Older Adults
Eileen Miller, n4a's Senior Program Associate, National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, will be presenting.
2:00–3:00 pm, Marriott, Maryland A
Age-Friendly: More Than Planning
Stephanie Firestone, n4a's Director, Livable Communities, will be presenting.
8:00 am–6:00 pm, Omni, Blue Room
What's Next Boomer Business Summit 2016: The Longevity Marketplace and the Power of the Sharing Economy
Nora Super, n4a's Chief, Programs and Services, will be presenting.  
9:00–10:00 am, Marriott, Washington 4
Aging Policy 101: A Day in the Life of an Aging Advocate
Amy Gotwals, n4a's Chief, Public Policy and External Affairs, will be presenting.
4:00–5:00 pm, Marriott, Delaware B
Show Me the (Federal) Money: Why Discretionary Funding Is Lagging and What It Means for Older Adults
Amy Gotwals, n4a's Chief, Public Policy and External Affairs, will be presenting.
4:00–5:00 pm, Marriott, Coolidge
Transportation Policy, Funding and Planning and How They Affect Access to HCBS
Autumn Campbell, n4a's Director, Public Policy and Advocacy, will be presenting. 



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