
Spotlight on Innovations and Achievements: City of Los Angeles Department of Aging

Learn how this agency joined forces to launch an initiative to help the Los Angeles region prepare for a dramatic demographic shift in the older adult population that will occur by 2030.

We're proud to highlight the award-winning work of the 2020 winners of n4a's Aging Innovations and Achievement Awards in this weekly spotlight feature. This week, we are focusing on the City of Los Angeles Department of Aging's Purposeful Aging Los Angeles (PALA): An Age-Friendly Initiative. The agency was a 2020 Aging Achievement Award winner in the Community Planning & Livable Communities category. The 2020 AIA Awards were made possible thanks to the support of Centene.
The Los Angeles region is home to one of our nation's largest and most diverse older adult populations. In 2016, the City and County of Los Angeles collaborated to launch Purposeful Aging Los Angeles (PALA): An Age-Friendly Initiative. PALA seeks to prepare the Los Angeles region for a rapidly aging population through an innovative combination of public and private leadership, resources, ideas and strategies. After holding events, surveying older adults and coordinating efforts among 78 public agencies and 88 cities, PALA has secured $3.5 million in grants to implement its action plan.
Sponsored events have reached more than 3,000 older adults. Three universities joined the Network of Age-Friendly Universities. More than 150 stakeholders participated in eight Livability Domain Working Groups.
To learn more about PALA and how your agency can replicate this program in your community, contact Mariella Freire-Reyes, For other great program ideas, check out the new 2021 AIA-winning programs: see the press release and read this year's book of winners! To read about past winners and find other best practices for your agency to consider, visit our Best Practices Clearinghouse page.
The 2021 Aging Innovations and Achievement Awards are made possible by the generous support of iN2L. Our summaries of the 2021 recipients will start this fall.



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