Commit to Connect: Interested in Joining a Network of Stakeholders Passionate About Addressing Social Isolation?
- By: USAging
- On: 06/11/2021 09:30:34
- In: Hot Topics in Aging
To address the growing public health issue of social isolation and loneliness, ACL established a public-private partnership called Commit to Connect to reach socially isolated older adults and people with disabilities to help them connect with services and supports to build the social connections they need to thrive. As part of this effort, which is coordinated by AARP Foundation with a broad array of partners, including n4a, a Nationwide Network of Champions to Address Social Isolation and Loneliness will launch in the coming weeks.
This Nationwide Network will foster a community of passionate leaders, innovators and practitioners at the local, state and national levels dedicated to creating more socially connected communities inclusive of older adults and people with disabilities. We are looking for stakeholders who would like to participate in the soft launch of this Nationwide Network of Champions. Champions will have the opportunity to connect and gain support from a collaborative network through an online platform. Contact Meredith Hanley at if you are interested!