Senate Advocacy Takes Center Stage This Week!
- By: USAging
- On: 06/11/2021 09:28:24
- In: Policy & Advocacy
As advocates know, the appropriations process is a marathon not a sprint, and n4a is here to provide you with the latest advocacy news to support critical funding investments for the vital programs and services you provide. This week, Senator Sanders once again championed a huge investment in OAA by circulating a Dear Colleague letter urging his fellow Senators to support doubling funding for the entire OAA in FY 2022.
If we want to have strong levels for OAA programs and services in FY 2022 and create a new threshold for annual OAA funding, you need to continue to reach out to your elected officials, especially your Senators, and make the case!
In April, your advocacy on behalf of OAA programs and services resulted in 108 Members of Congress sending a bipartisan letter to appropriators, which was championed by Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR).
Now it's time to take action again, but this time we need you to connect with your Senators! n4a's latest Advocacy Alert has all the details you need to swiftly and easily take action to ensure that your agency is on record with your Senators.
For more information on n4a's advocacy efforts, contact our policy team at