
n4a Policy Brief Offers a New Tool for Advocates

Our latest Policy Brief, What Policymakers Need to Know About an Aging America, is a great conversation starter on aging. Use it with federal lawmakers and their staff or with state and local elected officials. This informative Policy Brief will help connect the work your agencies do to the larger aging policy issues we face.

Launched to coincide with the new Biden Administration and the 117th Congress, the Policy Brief is a great reason to connect with newly elected officials or re-connect with long-serving Senators or Representatives—there is always more they, and their newest staff, need to know about aging. To help you share the Policy Brief, we've drafted a sample email/letter you can use to share the Policy Brief with your key contacts!
For a more experiential advocacy tool, join us for this year's virtual Aging Policy and Advocacy Summit, April 27–29. Going virtual this year offers a great opportunity for your senior staff and your AAA Advisory Council/Board members to attend alongside you—sharing the learning and increasing the impact!
Registration will open soon, but here's what you need to know now: we've overhauled our usual spring policy conference to meet the needs of this broader audience. This year we've decided to add provide advocacy training and aging policy 101 sessions in addition to the in-depth policy sessions AAA leaders have always valued.
n4a members will pay $150 for one-day registration or $250 for all three days, an incredible value you won't find elsewhere. And by saving travel costs to DC, you can spend those cost savings to spread the knowledge to your key staff and elected and volunteer leaders!
More details to come next week at, but before registration opens, take the time now to think about how you could use this informative and dynamic educational opportunity to benefit your agency and its work.



Financial scams and fraud often increase during the holiday season and older adults are a prime target. Find out how older adults can protect themselves with the 2024 Home for the Holidays campaign!